Tarot like a pro

Learn from this Pro with 15 years of hands on experience
how to give spot on readings with a true "Wow-factor".

To become great at reading the tarot you need much more than just knowing the meaning of all cards by heart. You need to be able to connect the dots for your client and tell the story of the cards in a clear and practical way.

I am going to teach you how to "get into your clients head" and help her find solutions that will have great impact on her life. My techniques, created from reading for thousands of clients, will take your tarot skills NEXT LEVEL pronto!

A great tarot reading brings clarity, exposes blocks and negative patterns, and helps your clients initiate true transformation. When you know how to use it, the tarot can be an extremely powerful coaching tool.

This Masterclass is for you if:

You always wanted to read the Tarot and would like to learn from an experienced Pro.

You are a coach or therapist who would like to use tarot as a coaching's tool.

You want to go past the standard explanation of the cards and learn how to powerfully tell the story of the reading.

You want to deliver readings with real depth, that have deep impact on your clients's lives.

In this masterclass you will learn:

A simple and effective method to memorize the meaning of the cards.

How to turn your readings into rituals, so your messages have deeper impact on your clients.

The difference between Tarot and Oracle cards, and how best to use oracle cards.

How to ask the right questions. This is a NEXT LEVEL game changer!

Crystals you can use to boost your intuition while reading the tarot.

Masterclass summary:

Video 1: The basics of Tarot, tarot decks and interpreting the cards

Video 2: Different types of Tarot lay outs, the ritual of Tarot, connecting to your client, asking the right questions and telling the story.

Video 3: Extremely valuable practice video where you see me in action with tarot students. You will learn a lot from watching this!

Frequently asked questions

How does this masterclass work?

After purchase you will receive an email with direct access to all 3 video's. You can watch these right away and start to practice as you go.

Where does this masterclass take place?

This is a video masterclass that is available online directly after purchase. You can take the classes whenever you want.

Can I give professional readings after taking this class?

After this class you will have all the tools you need to read for family, friends as well as professional clients.

Which Tarot Deck do I need?

I recommend Rider Waite to start with, but give more options in the class.

How long will I have access to this masterclass?

From the moment of purchase you'll have 1 year access .

In which language is the class delivered?

This class is taught in English.

What is my investment?

This masterclass is €222
