How to be a succesful Lightworker

22 things every starting lightworker should now, and nobody is telling them

Standing out in your healing modality is one thing. Building a successful business, a whole other ball game.

Supercharge your healing business!





So, you have your certificate or diploma as energetic healer or therapist in the pocket. Great. NOW WHAT??

Starting a healing business, one that is thriving, can be overwhelming. I know, because it's been my life's work these past 10 years. I've made, and solved, all the mistakes for you. So you can save yourself time, money and heartache as you create your dream business. Let me show you the way!

4 online masterclasses of 60 to 90 minutes

Instant Access!

Who are these masterclasses for?

For lightworkers and healers who dream of starting their own healing business

For lightworkers in their first year of setting up their healing business, who'd like to accelerate their growth.

For lightworkers who feel a bit lost and want to find their way back to their intuition and inner guidance.

The secret of succes for lightworkers

I could have just as easily named this Masterclass "How not to be a successful lightworker." But that doesn't sound as catchy, right? After struggling for years to build a thriving tarot and crystal healing practice finally, in the middle of the biggest pandemic in human history, I managed to quadrupling my income as a healer in one year time.


Oh how I'd love to tell you that a miracle took place and all of the sudden everything just came together. Or that I found thé perfect business coach who finally opened the doors to the success kingdom for me. But helas, my dear lightworker. That would be telling a lie. Because, even after spending thousands of euro's on traditional coaching, I've had to transform and recreate my healing business from scratch on my own several times in the last decade.

My craved success didn't show up til I had tried everything, had failed miserably, made countless mistakes, having to solve all of them by myself. I've had to, not just, reinvent the wheel. I've had to create a whole new space ship!

So contrary to what many a "Spiritual" Insta business babe proclaims, my success was not a one hit wonder by any stretch of the imagination. Business coaching aside. You know why?

Because being a professional ligthworker isn't a "regular" business. Things don't necessarily work the same as they do for other entrepeneurs. We, our hearts, compassion, talents and gifts, are our biggest service. And that can't be compared to selling photo shoots, vegan cakes or jewelry from Nepal. We sell something most people aren't even aware of they need and too often our work is not taken seriously (enough). While we have one the most important jobs on the planet. Helping people heal!


We require other things. Different rules apply to us or, in some cases, even no rules. That's why these 4 days I won't be sharing just random business tips that you could bloody well find on a simple google search yourself.

No, I'm sharing wisdom gained from a decade of putting out fires in my healing business (small and ginormous ones), licking wounds, healing thousands of people, burning out, healing and reinventing myself, to finally, finally find my holy healing business grail.

After which, I now know, the entire thing starts all over again, only each time on a next level. :)

After these 4 masterclasses you've learned:

What makes you different from thousands of other healers and lightworkers out there. I call this your USP. Not your Unique Selling Point, but your Unique Soul Power. This will make you believe in yourself so hard that you, and anyone else, won't ever again second guess whether you are GOOD ENOUGH!

Unwavering certainty about who your TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE CLIENTS are, and how and through which channels you can best communicate with them. News flash, that is not (A)SOCIAL MEDIA for everyone!

20+ super practical business tips from a practising healer who has done whatever she could to finally be able to make a living from her passion. I've been down in the healing business trenches for many years, and am sharing the stuff I wish someone had told me when I started.

Knowledge on how constantly being in survival mode is killing your business. I am oh too familiar with the deadly fear of making ends meet. But just working harder and harder never works, especially when you are working with energy. Learn what it means to truly trust the Universe. It's different than you might think.

Discover new ways to cocreate with your guides and the Universe. Even, or better yet, especially when things are rough and your ego keeps telling you you are doing something wrong.

Learned my number 1 secret that will change EVERYTHING for you. Trust me, it is way way simpler than you think. If someone would have shared this with me 10 years ago my life would have been totally different today. (But then again, I'd probably also would not have been typing this now....)

Experienced powerful crystal activations to help anchor the information I share directly into your energetic body.


I created this masterclass especially for you as a STARTING, PROFESSIONAL LIGHTWORKER, because I know how overwhelming starting can be. You feel like you have so much on your plate all the time.

As a lightworker you not only have to take care of your clients and your business. On top of that you have to take care of your own light, your own frequency and keeping your connection to Source clear and powerful.


Wie ben ik?

Mijn naam is Daniëlle van den Stoom. 10 jaar geleden was ik jou. Een mega gepassioneerde, gediplomeerde Tarot Coach & Crystal Healer die niets liever wilde dan zoveel mogelijk mensen helpen. Ik heb de afgelopen jaren duizenden Tarot & Healingsessies mogen geven. In Nederland, Marokko, op Ibiza en Curaçao. Workshops voor particulieren en bekende merken als Elle Magazine en Dior verzorgt, wereldwijd duizenden prachtige kristallen via Instagram verkocht, en getalenteerde lichtwerkers opgeleid tot kundige Tarotlezers en Crystal Healers.

Onderweg heb ik een hoop domme dingen gedaan. Maar gelukkig nog veel meer slimme. Vandaag noem ik mezelf SPIRITUEEL MENTOR, omdat ik niet graag een goede fout verspil. Leer van mijn fouten en vind jouw eigen, unieke manier van een succesvolle lichtwerker zijn.

The masterclass curriculum

4 Masterclasses opgenomen tijdens de megakrachtige 888 leeuwenpoort

Start Today!

Investment: €188

Masterclass 1

What it takes to be a successful lightworker. Become familiar with the "Lightworker's Lifestyle".

Masterclass 2

22 of my best business tips for lightworkers who are in their first year of business.

Masterclass 3

Discover your Sacred Why and Unique Soul Power

Masterclass 4

met Channeling over Survival

From Survival to Trust. Co-create with your Spirit guides and Source

Frequently asked questions


After purchase you will receive an email with direct access to all 4 classes

How long will I have access to the masterclasses?

You'll have access for 1 year

In which language is this class taught?

These classes will be in English.

What is my investment?

Your investment will be €188
